10 – FM19 – There And Back Again – Back To Back Titles

2nd full season with las palmas. win the league again and get promoted.

After the disappointment of last season and failing in the playoffs after the record breaking season, let’s go again and get the job done!

Being The Second Team

Something I am learning from being the manager of a second team is that my players can disappear in an instant, especially if they are good. The first team stole two of my MC which left me a difficult job of replacing them. Rober MartĂ­nex was quite good!


They weren’t the only ones Edu Campbadal (another MC) was sent of loan when he would have started every game this season. It seems the whole system is broken.

Whats-more, Airam Pelayo, who scored basically all my goals in the first half season we were here was sold. Yes SOLD to Valencia who stuck him in their second team to rot. It’s madness! I had absolutely no say in any of those transfers. I just had to watch and cry.


Oh well, this is the life of a 2nd team manager, I suppose.

Season Expectation

Perhaps the board do notice these things. They have only asked me not to get relegated this season. I find this strange as we won the league comfortably last season. Maybe they are factoring int eh sale of all my top payers.


The Starting 11

After a mad transfer window, here is my starting 11. 16 year old Cappi is one I’m hoping will do well despite his age. Another is Santana, e is developing nicely and isn’t far from being a starting DR.


These are the transfers we made in. Chumi, who was on loan last year was available to purchase for free this season which is what I decided to do. It made sense given his mad tekkers.


Mid-Season Promotion

Given that our players can be taken at a moments notice and play for the big boys in the top division, I decided it was only fair to do the same. I found this chap in the ‘C’ team and, because we needed another ST, I decided to call him up.


It actually turned out to be a decent decision as he just started scoring and didn’t stop! Not bad for 17 years old. Who says you can’t win anything with kids.

The League

As predicted, we did fairly well in the league. With about 4 games to go, we were at top only needing a few more points to clinch the title and another stab at the playoffs. We did exactly that and for a second year in a row, we are champions. We did get another record of goals scored and I think points too.



So here we go. The playoffs.


I decided to look up the rules of the payoffs so I understood properly.

Turns out we only need to win the first game we play to get promoted. This season was against Real Madrid’s 2nd team. Not difficult at all then! I was expecting us to lose this tie and repeat last season’s nightmare.



Amazingly, we won it and we were promoted. Amazing. This will look good on my CV!


We played someone else after the Real Madrid game to decide who was the ultimate winner of the lower leagues. I didn’t care about that because we were promoted.

I miss the leagues where it’s just promotion and relegation and no playoffs. It’s too confusing for my little head to understand.

Coaching Badges and Milestones

We also managed to get our final coaching badge while in Las Palmas. I’m really happy and can now stop worrying about all of that.


I also did 100 games for Las Palmas. I’m really starting to enjoy this team. I do feel that I’ve taken them far enough though as they can’t get promoted to the top division. We can’t even play in the same league as our parent club. Maybe it’s time to move on?


End Of Season Awards

Again, here are the end of season awards for you to see. Our stadium isn’t being expanded which is a requirement of the league we are ow competing in. I wonder what will happen with that if we stay up next season.



Join us next episode to see how our first season in the 2nd division goes.

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